Exciting news from TetraPack this weekend!  They officially added support for Hytera PTC radios’ RoIP (Radio over IP) functionality, successfully tested on A7 3.5 and A10 4.5 firmware versions. This new feature enhances communication capabilities for Hytera users, making RoIP integration more seamless.

Quick Configuration Guide:
While detailed instructions will be available on they wiki in the coming days, here’s a quick setup guide:

– User name: Your radio ID
– Password: Your BrandMeister (BM) hotspot password
– MNC: Use the one set in your TMO configuration (likely 901 9999)
– Server: core.tetrapack.online (important: use the domain name, not the IP!)
– Port: Standard port 3003

 Additional Information:
– Call Floor Management: While we support call floor management, there’s no late call entry. If a call is preempted or overlapped, the next call will only start when the current one ends.
– Supported Features: Scan lists and SDS (likely including GPS) are fully supported.

Stay tuned for the full setup instructions on TetraPack wiki, and enjoy the new RoIP functionality!

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