The Sepura STP8000 series was the start of Sepura’s change in radio design with a focus on extreme environmental environments featuring IP55 ingress protection agaianst water and dust and a rated temperature range of -20C to +60C (-4F to 140F). The Sepura STP8100 series is the mid tier model featuring Limited keypad and full Colour LCD screen. Both GPS and Bluetooth are options that can be fitted to the terminal.
Sepura TETRA radios are available with encryption options, each featuring one of the following standard AIE TETRA Encryption Algorithms (TEAs):
– CLEAR NonE2E (No Encryption) This is the only one for HamRadio use!
– TEA1 -is for commercial use and is primarily used by critical infrastructure around the world. But it’s also used by some police and military agencies outside of Europe.
– TEA2 -(restricted to use by Schengen / EU countries). Possession of TEA2 radios is in many countries is prohibited by law!
– TEA3 -Essentially the export version of TEA2 which is for use outside of Europe by the same kinds of entities that use radios with TEA2.
– TEA4 -For commercial use but is hardly used.
In 2022 ETSI introduced additional algorithms, TEA 5, TEA 6 and TEA7, in order to future-proof the technology against quantum attacks. The entire set of these original and additional algorithms will be made available in the public domain as well as TAA1 (the original authentication and key management specification) and TAA2 (the new authentication and key management specification).
Each TEA version builds upon the previous one, incorporating enhancements to meet evolving user needs and address emerging challenges in communication security and efficiency.
On Sepura Radios the encryption type is listed on the label on the radio and the 6th digit indicated the installed encryption type On a STP8100 this will be PSTUW2. The Bold number indicates that this hardware code has TEA2 Firmware. A clear radio will have the number 0 (PSTUW0).
Frequency Range from Factory:
STP8130 299-344MHz
STP8135 344-400MHz
STP8138 380-430MHz
STP8140 407-473MHz (covers the entire 70cm amateur band)
STP8180 806-870MHz
Expanded Frequency Range:
As with all sepura radios there isn’t a way to expand the frequency range from the one from the factory
Adaptation for Ham Radio Use
The Sepura STP8000 series is a great choice for among the HamTetra radio community, boasting a significant user base and a rich history stemming from its predecessors. While originally crafted for professional applications, its adaptability for ham radio use has been widely recognized. However due to the limited keypad it isn’t possible to dial users ISSI’s or send SDS messages.
Attention! Due to the nature of the radio market, some units may originate from governmental working environments, still in use, stolen, lost, or intended for destruction but salvaged by individuals. If you notice any signs such as radio logos, initial messages, back labels, or additional markings indicating that the radio might be a “tea 2” or not a “clean radio,” do not purchase it. Instead, return the radio to the seller or report it to the nearest police station.
Only Clear radio firmware can be used for HamTetra use!!
To program the Sepura STP8100, you will need a compatible programming cable (see Below) and Sepura Radio manager 2 software. Additionally, for firmware upgrades, depend of existing radio firmware you need .RMX file.
A note to bear is that some newer firmware requires a SALT licence to program the radio or update the firmware.
Please refer to the Radio Quick Start Guide
Programming Cable
Programming the STP8100 is a straightforward process thanks to the availability of dedicated programming cables or the ability to modify the travel charger to enable the programming pins to be used. This cable facilitates seamless communication between the radio and programming software, allowing users to customize settings, configure channels, and update firmware with relative ease.
Programming Cable for use: There exists 2 options for programming cables alongside the car kit that can also be used with a RS232 cable. The part numbers for these parts are :
300-00419 – Serial 9 pin DSUB with 1M cable
300-00972 – USB Programming cable with 1.8M cable
300-00797 – Car kit for STP series.
Antenna Considerations
The Sepura STP8000 series use a SMA antenna with different centre frequencies they are optimal for, complete list below.
There is a variety of accessories from both sepura and third-party manufactures including high-capacity batteries, fist microphone/speakers, headsets, charging stands and mounts for vehicles. Most of these are available on sites such as eBay, Amazon and such.
Operating Procedures
Please refer to the user manual Here
Interfacing with Ham Radio Networks
The Sepura STP8100 integrates seamlessly into various HamTetra environments, demonstrating reliability in Direct Mode Operation (DMO), Trunked Mode Operation (TMO) and DMO Repeater Mode. This radio with the right software licence can also act as a low power repeater (1.8W).
Compatibility with Other Radio Manufacturers
The Sepura STP8100 is designed to seamlessly interface with radios from other manufacturers, ensuring interoperability and compatibility across diverse communication systems.
Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Regular maintenance, including battery checks, firmware updates, and cleaning, ensures optimal performance and longevity of the STP8100. In the event of issues or malfunctions, troubleshooting procedures provided by Sepura or the Ham radio community can assist in diagnosing and resolving problems effectively.
Please note that the Sepura STP8100 has reached its end-of-life (EOL) status
This information article was written by Sam Jones (MM6SSO) and reviewed by YO8TEH.
* We do not provide programming software, licenses, additional information, or technical support beyond what is available through above published information!