HamTetra Ro on Zello


HamTetra Romania on Zello Cross-Link

Below channels are exclusively intended for use by Romanian ham radio operators!

Following the existing network architecture, HamTetra Romania provides 10 Zello channels exclusively for Radio Amateurs, offering the possibility to connect TETRA terminals according to each individual’s needs/desires, both directly and via cross-link.

Please use only the Radio Amateur callsign as the user for creating a normal Zello user account, e.g., (YO8TEH), callsign followed by ‘Repeater’ for repeater stations, e.g., (YO8TEH-Repeater), or ‘Gateway’ for gateway stations, e.g., (YO8TEH-Gateway), and the Radio Amateur callsign followed by ‘PoC’ if the user has a PoC device, e.g., (YO8TEH-PoC Radio) through which they duplicate the TETRA radio station user.

PoC Radio terminals are allowed in HamTetra channels only if the user has a primary TETRA terminal and uses a PoC terminal to extend the radio network coverage. Gateways between modes are allowed on all channels except the main channel to protect audio quality.

For connecting a TETRA radio station to ZELLO, both VOX connections and PEI can be used.


HamTetra România  –  Main National Channel

HamTetra România YO2  – YO2 District

HamTetra România YO3  – YO3 District

HamTetra România YO4 – YO4 District

HamTetra România YO5 – YO5 District

HamTetra România YO6 – YO6 District

HamTetra România YO7 – YO7 District

HamTetra România YO8 – YO8 District

HamTetra România YO9 – YO9 District

HamTetra România Probe – Channel used for Tests

HamTetra România Special – Special Events Channel

HamTetra România EMCOMM – Emergency Communication Channel